Equipment End of Life
Discontinued Product?, Can I use that old terminal of mine with Tinadre?
Effective November 1, 2012:
VeriFone Omni 3740 and 3750 terminals connecting via the Internet will no longer be able to process credit or debit card transactions on the Chase Paymentech platform. These terminals should be replaced by November 1, 2012. After that time, merchants still using these terminals via a high speed connection will be "hard down". This notice serves as a proactive step to ensure merchants have adequate time to transition to another POS solution or to a dial up connection. It is important to note that, should a merchant continue to use the Omni 3740 or the 3750 via a dial connection, Chase Paymentech support teams will no longer have access to their download files, but they will be able to continue processing without interruption. Contact your sales or service representative if you have questions.

Effective June 1, 2012:
All existing merchants processing with a DUKPT encryption that experience trouble with their PIN entry device (PED) will require a swap to the applicable TDES encryption PIN entry device. If a swap cannot be performed, the account may need to be upsold to a new POS product and-or comparable PIN entry device (PED) that supports TDES encryption.

Product Classification Definitions:
For a list of End Of Life terminals Click Here please contact you sales representative or call our office if you have any questions regarding your equipment.
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